The Faculty's mentoring program aims to provide outstanding female junior researchers – at the doctoral and post-doctoral level - with intensive support on their way to a scientific career leading, hopefully, to an academic position.
In this program a central role is assigned to the mentor. He or she is willing to offer this support to a participating junior scientist (mentee) in the form of personal meetings and discussions, optimally several times per year. On a one-to-one basis, the mentors function as role models, offering their mentees support in career planning and in creating their own academic profiles. Additionally, workshops in selected topics, coaching seminars as well as individual trainings are offered. The mentees will initially be supported for one year.
If you are interested in applying for the program, please follow the Guidelines below.
The Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy has developed a new format for its mentoring program. The former program "LMU Mentoring", anchored in the sustainability program of the Second Excellence Initiative, ended in 2017.
News and events
Mentoring Retreat Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy
Date: 08.05.2023 - 09.05.2023 Kloster Frauenwörth, Fraueninsel, Chiemsee
Accepted mentees may choose from a pool of potential mentors. The mentees may also select a mentor from outside this pool. Names and contact details of potential mentors can be found below. The mentees are asked to personally contact the mentor. If the relationship mentor-mentee is established and agreed on mutually, please communicate this to the mentoring program coordination, using the form mentor-mentee agreement.
Young scientists in the last year of their doctoral studies, postdocs and young group leaders.
How can you apply?
Please fill out the "Mentor - Mentee Agreement". Choose a mentor from the pool, which is provided on the web page of the program or suggest an external mentor. In this case please provide contact information. Contact the mentor in person in order to come to a mutual agreement. The mentor is asked to co-sign your "Mentor - Mentee Agreement".
For what kind of support can you apply?
You can apply for student research assistance in order to finish important experimental work. You can also apply for partial payment of travel expenses in order to present your scientific work at a conference. Finally, you can also apply for material expenses.
Give a short justification and detailed estimation of travel expenses.
Use form F70 (Dienstreiseantrag) or F70a (Application for travel authorization). Note: Fill in “ohne Kostenerstattung” and note in field “folgende Kosten werden von dritter Seite getragen” „Kostenübernahme durch LMU Mentoring“.
For reimbursement follow the typical procedure, fill in F71 (Reisekostenerstattung) or F71 a (Application for travel expenses) and hand it to
Dr. Sandra Hemmers.
The current forms above can be found on the Faculty Intranet Web site under Service.