- Give a short justification
- Use Form F70 (Dienstreiseantag) or F70a (Application for travel authorization). Note: Fill in “ohne Kostenerstattung” and note in field “folgende Kosten werden von dritter Seite getragen” „Kostenübernahme durch LMU Mentoring“.
- The forms need to be signed by the mentor and handed to the responsible Mentoringkoordinator in the respective Department.
- For reimbursement follow the typical procedure, fill in F71 (Reisekostenerstattung) or F71 a (Application for travel expenses)
- Forms can be found in the LMU Serviceportal
Mentoring coordination
n.n. Department Chemie | Dr. Sandra Hemmers Department Pharmazie | Dr. Birgitta Beatrix Department Biochemie |