Professor Frieß
Office: B 1.014
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 77017
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
C3-Professor for Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics
University of Erlangen
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research Assistent
Genetics Institute, Wyeth Ayerst in Andover, MA
Staff Scientist I
University of Illinois at Chicago, Prof. Michael Groves
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate
Project: Development of biodegradable drug carriers based on collagen
granted by German Research Foundation Grant # Fr 1089/1-1 and Fr 1089/1-2
University of Erlangen
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Prof. Geoffrey Lee
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Central Institute for Medical Service of the German Armed Forces, Berlin
University of Erlangen
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Prof. Eberhard Nürnberg
graduate student (graduation Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Technology; first class honours)
Licensed as Pharmacist
University of Erlangen, College of Pharmacy, Mohren-Pharmacy South, Nürnberg, Dr. Dieter Bouhon
undergraduate student (graduation M.S. Pharmacy; first class honours)