Fabian Knechtel
Department Chemie, LMU München
Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
81377 München
089/2180-77547 (Frau Steger)
fabian.knechtel -- cup.uni-muenchen.de
Research topics
Coherent Raman micro-/spectroscopy
Life-time imaging
Metal-organic frameworks nanoparticles for drug-delivery applications
Tittel J, Knechtel F, Ploetz E Conquering Metal-organic frameworks by Raman scattering techniques.
Adv. Funct. Mater., (2023). Accepted. [doi link]
Fuchs A, Knechtel F, Wang H, Zhe J, Wuttke S, Yaghi OM, Ploetz E Water Harvesting at the Single Crystal Level.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023. 145(26): p. 14324-14334. [doi link]
Kirst C, Knechtel F, Gensler M, Fischermeier D, Petersen J, al Danaf N, Tietze J, Wedel A, Lamb DC, Mitric R, Karaghiosoff KL. Aggregation-Induced Emission in a Flexible Phosphine Oxide and its Zn(II) Complexes - A Simple Approach to Blue Luminescent Materials.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023. 33(13): p. 2212436. [doi link]
Veth S, Fuchs A, Özdemir D, Dialer C, Drexler DJ, Knechtel F, Witte G, Hopfner KP, Carell T, Ploetz E. Chemical synthesis of the fluorescent, cyclic dinucleotides cthGAMP.
ChemBioChem 2022. 23: p. e202200005. [doi link]
Kirst C, Al Danaf N, Knechtel F, Arczynski T, Mayer P, Lamb DC, Karaghiosoff KL. Methods for elucidating the structural-property relationship in luminescent materials.
J. Mater. Chem. C 2021. 9, 13366-13375. [doi link]