Kielkowski Research Group - Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy


07.01.2025 Congratulations to Dr. Haoyu Chen to his new position in industry!

08.11.2024 Big thanks to Haoyu for his determination to uncover formation of aryl radicals from aryl pinacol boronates using ammonium persulfate or dimethylacetamid to react spontaneously with proteins and in particular disulfide bonds between peptides. No metal catalysis or photoinduction in aqueous buffer. Great to collaborate with AK Schneider, Schütz and Didier!

29.10.2024 Congratulation to Jonas Grandke and Henry Lauk for completing their master thesis in our group! We wish you all the best for your future career and see you soon Henry.

15.10.2024 That was really great day for our group retreat! Thanks Daniela for organization.

14.10.2024 Welcome Tobias Kuhn in the lab and good luck with the synthesis!

09.10.2024 Congratulation Dr. Chen! What a nice tour through two exciting projects during your PhD. #3 from AK Kielkowski!

01.10.2024 We are glad to welcome Liu Zang in our group! She will proceed with her PhD supported by CSC scholarship.

30.09.2024 Today we say goodbye to Dmytro by visting Oktoberfest 2024! He is heading for an industry position. All the best!

12.09.2024 I am glad to see our review on diagnostic ions mining to identify small molecule-protein interactions just published. Congratulation Andreas!

12.09.2024 It was great to participate on EMBO Chemical Biology 2024 conference and answer curious questions about Cu-catalyzed 'click' reaction side-reactivity and AMPylation!

23.07.2024 Haoyu presented his PROTACs project at Chemical Biology Ireland and received an award from Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation to participate on the conference. Congratulation!!!

21.06.2024 Together with Haoyu, we presented our research at 24th Tetrahedron Symposium in Montepellier, France. Nice venue and inspiring research > wonderful event!

14.05.2024 Great to see that the AMPylation pro-N6pA probe is now commercially available from the SigutLabs.

22.04.2024 Henry Lauk has alredy worked in our group on biochemistry of protein AMPylation and now he is joining the lab again for his master thesis to develop new chemistry! Good luck.

18.04.2024 Congratulation Dr. Makarov! PhD #2 from AK Kielkowski. Dmytro has been working on a tyrosine ligation and mass reporter tags.

11.04.2024 Just finished two days proteomics workshop within SFB1309. We hope all participants had learned something new about the mass spectrometry-based bottom-up and top-down proteomics and realised how easy and robust can be the sample preparations!

09.04.2024 We were visiting analytica 2024! Great opportunity to get direct update on mass spec. instruments from all manufacturers and all other types of lab instruments.

08.04.2024 After short break from his F-practicum, Jonas Grandke is joining our lab again for his master thesis! Jonas will is up to further optimize the automatization of the SP2E workflow.

04.04.2024 It is a pleasure to host erasmus student Nadjia Belguesmia from Sorbonna Université in our lab! Welcome to our lab and have a great time #chemical biology of protein PTMs.

26.01.2024 SCF Chemical Biology meeting in Paris-Saclay was wonderful and packed with fantastic research! Laura, Rubaba and Pavel contributed by poster presentation and Andreas delivered a nice talk.

12.01.2024 Great to see the publication on side-reactivity of CuAAC online. Congratulation Andreas!

01.12.2023 We are delighted and happy that Pavel’s and our first PhD Tobias Becker’s works were recognized by the Römer Prize.

13.09.2023 It was great to organise and host 30th Bioorganic Symposium for junior group leaders at LMU together with LMU & TUM junior group leaders (Golo Storch, David Konrad, Fumito Saito and Oliver Thorn-Seshold)

04.09.2023 Manuel Hertwig is joining our group for his PhD! Welcome and all the best in your projects.

28.08.2023 Welcome to Daniela Staudacher! She will proceed with her master thesis in the group.

20.08.2023 Patrick Hoffmann was great addition to our laboratory! Challenging chemical biology project from synthesis to proteomics started a new branch of research in our endeavour to protein AMPylation. Now, we wish Patrick all the best in Ulm for his PhD with Prof. Max von Delius!

21.07.2023 Today, Colombe Akimana finished her Erasmus stay in our lab! It was great to have you here. We wish you all the best for finishing your study programm at Newcastle University.

19.07.2023 The ABB2023 conference at Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, was simply wonderful! The interface between chemsitry and biology is really the driving force for discovery of new active compounds and cellular mechnisms. It was pleasure to share the work of our group.

27.06.2023 Great to see a collaborative study on extracellular vesicles during brain development out on biorxiv. We were happy to contribute by mass spectroemtry-based proteomics measurements! Looking forward to be working on a next one.

24.06.2023 What a great celebration of Dimi's and Haoyu's birthdays!

17.06.2023 Pavel presented our work on 25th Steinheimer Gespräche in Mainz organised by Fonds der chemischen Industrie (FCI). It was great to meet many former colleagues and collaborators. Thanks FCI for the support!

24.05.2023 After short postdoctoral stay in the group Tobias is now leaving to industry. We wish you all the best!

22.05.2023 Dimi has represented our group at European Symposium on Biological and Organic Chemistry (ESBOC) 2023 at Gregynog Hall in Wales. Including the lively discussion over his poster on protein tyrosination and clickable mass tags.

17.05.2023 It was great to participate on Munich Brain Day 2023 and listen to exciting talks on frontiers of the research field. Laura has presented our work on protein AMPylation and neuronal differentiation!

20.03.2023 Patrick Hoffmann is joining the group for his master thesis. We are looking forward to see the development of new chemical biology tools for our AMPylation project!

14.02.2023 Congratulation Dr. Becker! Great to see the first PhD from the group. Tobias's work has opened several new research avenues, not only in the AMPylation field.

06.02.2023 Daniel Bejko has just succesffully finished his master thesis. With very exciting results, the publication on protein PTM stability using dSILAC is coming soon.

10.01.2023 We are glad to welcome Rubaba Rahman Abanti in our group! After finishing the master studies at University of Konstanz she is starting now to pursue her PhD and will strengthen our tubulin code team.

29.11.2022 Andreas Wiest was just awarded the Römer-Prize for his excellent results during master studies including the master thesis he carried out in our group. Congratulations!

16.11.2022 Thank ChemBioChem editorial team for labelling our article as VIP and accepting our suggestion for the cover page. Check out the full text here. Well done Dmytro!

04.11.2022 Three years aniversary, a new group photo and welcome to Laura, who will continue to explore protein AMPylation in neurons!

23.10.2022 It was great to participate on The Undergraduate Research Conference on Molecular Sciences (URCUP, LMU) and meet young faculty members together with many talented students. Thanks to organisers for selecting Kloster Irsee and creating inspirational atmosphere. Martina Paetsch and Andreas Wiest presented posters about their bachelor and master theses work!

17.10.2022 Welcome Colombe in our group! We wish you a productive stay. Colombe is participating in an Exchange Program of Newcastle University.

11.10.2022 The protein tyrosination distributes beyond the alpha-tubulins with coded C-terminal tyrosine. The article is now available in ChemBioChem. Check it out 10.1002/cbic.202200414!


26.09.2022 The first group visit to the Oktoberfest 2022 was great! We have very much enjoyed friendly and party atmosphere in the Hacker-Pschorr tent.


09.09.2022 Andreas Wiest was just granted the PhD felloship from Studienstiftung. Congratulation! We are curious about your next experiemnts and progress in your project and thank the Studienstiftung for the support!

04.07.2022 Congratulation Dmytro! The manuscript on protein tyrosination is now available on preprint biorxiv. This is our first step towards tubulin post-translational modification chemical biology tools.

01.07.2022 The mass spectrometry-based chemical proteomics SP2E workflow is now out in JACS Au. The Article has two parts: 1) development of the SP2E methodology in large scale and smale scale (96-well plate format) and 2) identification of novel AMPylation targets including amyloid precursor protein (APP) and O-Glycosylation profiling.


23.06.2022 Indeed, we could not miss the visit to analytica 2022. The liquid handeling robots were in our visire.

20.06.2022 Daniel Bjeko has joined the group for his master thesis research. Welcome! Daniel is already the coauthor on the SP2E publication. Now, he will further dive into proteomic techniques for protein PTMs analysis.

11.06.2022 This time Dmytro joined Pavel at EMBL Symposium: Microtubules: From atoms to complex systems! Both posters presenting SP2E workflow and chemical proteomic strategy to profile tubulin tyrosination draw a lot of attention. Indeed, as common for EMBL Symposia, great science and fantastic evening program. We are more than motivated to move on with the projects.

02.06.2022 Tobias and Pavel represented the group at Next-Generation Protein Analysis and Detection conference in Ghent (Belgium). It was great to get an overview of the most recent mass spectrometry techniques and software tools.

25.05.2022 The Collaborative Research Center - SFB1309 "Chemical Biology of Epigenetic Modifications" from DFG has been successfully extended including now as well our four years project on protein PTMs! Thanks to the speaker Thomas Carell for organization. Looking forward to many exciting collaborations.

04.04.2022 After a short break we welcome Andreas Wiest in our group again, this time starting his PhD. He is going to explore the tubulin code PTMs using the mass spectrometry and chemical proteomics. We wish you all the best!

24.03.2022 It was great to present our research on role of protein PTMs in neurodevelopment in Ascona (Switzerland) during woderful meeting: Neurogenesis from development to adulthood in health and disease. Thanks to Fiona Doetsch, Denis Jabaudon, Sebastian Jessberger and Marlen Knobloch for the fatntastic organisation.


17.03.2022 Andreas Wiest has just succesffully finished his master thesis on tubulin code deconvolution, which opened completely new avenues for tubulin research and beyond. Stay tuned! Looking forward to welcome him soon for PhD.

14.02.2022 Congratulation to Dmytro Makarov and András Telek to their publication on "Clickable report tags for identification of modified peptides by mass spectrometry". Thank to our collaborators from Sabine Schneider group at ICEM!


25.01.2022 Our optimised mass spectrometry-based chemical proteomic SP2E workflow for analysis of protein PTMs is now on bioRxiv. Suitable for low protein input and 96-well plate format. Easy, robust and fast. Thanks to Tobias and all coauthors for their contribution to workflow optimisations!

18.01.2022 Congratulation to Dmytro and András to their new publication on clickable reporter tag! Thanks Schneider's group for the great collaboration within SFB1309.

09.12.2021 The exciting story of PLD3 AMPylation is now out. Big congratulation to Tobias and thanks to all collaborators! Have a look at iScience.

02.11.2021 Excited that the story about the LGALS3BP and its importance for generation of basal progenitors is out in Nature Communications. The work has been done by Christina Kyrousi in Silvia Cappello's lab at MPI of Psychiatry. Pavel has contributed to this article by mass spectrometry-based proteomics as a post-doc at TUM with Stephan Sieber. Congratulation to all authors!

25.10.2021 We are now up and runnig in the new building - ICEM!

15.10.2021 It was a pleasure to present our recently developed SP2E chemical proteomic method on mass spectrometry conference in Prague.

13.09.2021 Welcome Trinh in our group! He will work on his bachelor thesis synthetizing new PTM analogues.

01.09.2021 Paul Weiß from Georg August University Göttingen join the group for his master thesis. Welcome and all the best!

30.07.2021 We wish all the best to András Telek in pursuing his PhD in joint academia and industry settings in Budapest! It was great to have you in the group and diving into fragmentation properties of protein PTMs.

19.07.2021 Great to have Kristina Kostadinova from UCL as the summer school student in our group.

03.06.2021 Congratulation Haoyu for being awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship for his stay at LMU!

10.05.2021 I am glad to welcome Andreas Wiest in our group! In his master thesis he will focus on analysis of specific protein PTMs in neurons.

23.03.2021 LMUexcellent will generously support our research through Junior Research Fund.

03.03.2021 Very happy to share our latest findings on AMPylation of the lysosomal protein PLD3 and its connection to neuronal differentiation. Now available on bioRxiv here.

01.02.2021 We are glad to have András back on the board after his F-praktikum in our lab, now for his master thesis.

22.12.2020 May the Mass be with you in 2021!


07.12.2020 Welcome Haoyu! He is staring his PhD in the group, working on new approaches for protein PTM analysis.

20.11.2020 Thanks to Tobias for preparing the article for BIOspektrum and Stephan Sieber's lab for supporting this project. It is now online!

27.10.2020 Lisa has just very succesfullly finished her Master thesis and is leaving for her PhD to the group of Prof. Andreas Marx at University of Konstanz. All the best for her.

12.10.2020 Welcome Alex! He has just started his bachelor thesis in our group.

05.10.2020 Tobias was awarded the Jürgen Manchot prize at TUM for his outstanding master degree in biochemistry. Great to have you on board!

14.09.2020 Welcome Dmitrij! He is starting his PhD fully focused on development of new chemical biology tools for analysis of PTMs role in neurological disorders.

17.08.2020 We are glad to have Martina in our group. She is working on her bachelor thesis.

16.07.2020 The Cover design of our Perspective is now online.

09.06.2020 Check out our Perspective on protein AMPylation: From Young to Old: AMPylation Hits the Brain.

18.05.2020 We are happy to be associated with the SFB1309, Collaborative Research Center on "Chemical Biology of Epigenetic Modifications".

05.03.2020 Congratulation Tobias for receiving the Liebig PhD fellowship from FCI!!

02.03.2020 Welcome Lisa! She will do her master thesis in our group.

29.11.2019 Liebig Fellowship from FCI was awarded to Pavel!

04.11.2019 Tobias is starting his PhD. Welcome!

04.11.2019 Now.

20.10.2019 Kielkowski group is starting in November 2019.